You can search, filter and change the visibility status of products with a bulk action on the List of Products page.
To manage the list of products in the Prodigy Cloud Platform, just navigate to Products -> All Products page in the left sidebar menu.
You will then see a list of all of the products in your store.
Just above the table of products, on the left side, you will see the Filter button. This enables you to filter your list of products by the following:
- Stock Status
- Visibility
If you use a particular filtering request on a regular basis, you can save it by clicking on the Save Search button. You will be prompted to give the search a name and then it will appear as a new tab at the top of the List of Products table. The next time you return to the products list you can access that filter by simply navigating to the tab that you created.
Next to the Filter button there is a Search Products field. Type some characters into the search field and press the Enter key on your keyboard and you will see those products where the Product Name or SKU fully or partially matches the search criteria.
You can use the checkboxes in the left column of the products table to select the products that you want to update through a bulk action. You can then update visibility status for all selected products to either Visible or Hidden.
That's all you need to know about managing a list of products. In the next article, we will go over Creating and editing products