The Prodigy Categories shortcode allows you to display a list of specific product categories in either a slider or grid view. This shortcode is demonstrated on our demo home page in the browse our categories section.
Example Usage
Show specific categories by ID with ordering by title
[prodigy_categories category_ids="1,2,3" orderby="title" order="ASC"]
Show the first four child categories of a specific parent category in grid view
[prodigy_categories parent_ids="1" display="grid" limit="4"]
Available Attributes
Accepts a list of comma separated Category IDs to display. You can find the Category IDs in the WordPress Admin by navigating to Prodigy -> Categories and looking for the ID column.
[prodigy_categories category_ids="1,2,3"]
Accepts a list of comma separated Category Name slugs to display
[prodigy_categories category_slugs="men, women"]
Accepts a list of comma separated Category IDs and displays all of their child categories
[prodigy_categories parent_ids="1,2"]
Limits the number of categories returned. For example, if the other attributes specified in the shortcode match 8 categories and the limit attribute is set to 4, then only the first 4 matching categories will be displayed.
[prodigy_categories limit="4"]
Determines the number of category columns per row that will be displayed. The default value is 4 columns per row if not specified.
[prodigy_categories columns="3"]
Allows you specify the order in which the categories will be displayed. Acceptable values are: id, title. Default value is id.
[prodigy_categories orderby="title"]
Determines if the sort order will be ascending or descending. Acceptable values are: ASC, DESC. Default value is ASC.
[prodigy_categories orderby="title" order="DESC"]
Determines if the count of products will be shown in the image overlay. Acceptable values are: true, false. Default value is true.
[prodigy_categories show_product_count="false"]
Determines if categories will be displayed in slider or grid view. Acceptable values are: slider, grid. Default value is slider.
[prodigy_categories display="grid"]
Template Override
The template used by this shortcode can be overridden by copying the template into your theme or child theme and then editing.
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