General Settings

In this article, you will learn more about:

To view the general settings of a store, navigate to Settings -> General Info on the left sidebar menu.


Basic Info settings

The basic information settings include the following:

  • Store Name - this should match the branding of your website that is connected to this store.  The store name will be shown on certain emails that go to your customers and it will be shown in the header of the checkout and customer portal pages if you have not uploaded a logo.

  • Checkout Subdomain - the checkout subdomain is the first part of the URL where your checkout pages and customer account pages will reside.  In this example, the full URL would be:
    It is generally a good idea to make the checkout subdomain the same as the domain of your WordPress website.

  • API synchronization status - This shows if your store has been successfully connected to the Prodigy WordPress plugin installed on your website.  It will either show "Connected" or "Not Connected".  This connection process occurs during the setup wizard when you install the WordPress plugin.

  • Add Logo - By clicking on Add Logo, you can upload your store's logo and this will update the branding of all of the admin, checkout, and customer portal pages (this is highly recommended to create a seamless experience for your customers).



Favicon upload

In the next section, you can also upload a custom favicon for your brand.  This will generally be displayed in the browser tab next to the page title for all of the admin, checkout, and customer portal pages.


Store overview

The store overview section contains the following information and settings:

  • Store Status - The default store status for a newly created store is "Development".  You will generally want to leave the store in this status while it is being developed and tested.  When you are ready for your store to go live and accept real orders you can use the "Transfer to Live Mode" button at the bottom of this section.  Note that this button will remain inactive until a live Payment Method is added and only the user designated as the Store Owner has access to this feature.

  • Store Owner - This simply shows the name and email address of the current user that is designated as the Owner of this store.

  • Checkout Status - The checkout status switch allows you to temporarily close the checkout of your store.  You might need to use this if you are doing maintenance to your website or if you seasonally close your business and do not want to accept orders.  When switching the status to "Closed", you will be able to set a custom message that your customers will see if they attempt to checkout.

  • Date Created - This shows the date and time that this store was created.



Store address

The Store Address should be your primary business address.  Note that we currently only support U.S. based business at this time (more countries coming soon).


Additional settings

The additional settings section contains the following setttings:

  • Currency - We currently only support USD currency transactions (more currencies coming soon).

  • Forbid orders from - This dropdown allows you to select multiple countries that you do not want to ship product to.  You might want to exclude certain countries for regulatory and/or logistical issues.

  • Default Customer Location - You should set this to the country where the majority of your customers reside.  Addresses in the checkout steps will default to this country making the checkout process faster and easier.

  • Delete Store - If you created a store as a test and do not need it any more, you can use this button to delete the store.  You must first change the Checkout Status in the Store Overview section to Closed before the Delete Store button will become active.  If the store has been transferred to Live mode and has live orders, it cannot be deleted.


That's all you need to know about the General Settings.  In the next article, we will look at Product Settings.


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