Refunding payments

This article will teach you how to refund a payment for an order with a Paid status that has not yet been fulfilled (or does not require fulfillment).  If you need to refund a payment on an order that has already been fulfilled, see our article on Managing returns.

To process a refund, just navigate to Orders on the left sidebar menu, find the order that you want to refund, and click the order number to go to the order detail page.  On the order detail page, scroll down to the Payment section and you will see the Refund button.


Click the Refund button and you will then see the refund dialog as shown below.  You can optionally enter a reason for the refund.  If the order contains multiple items and you are only refunding some of them, you can adjust the quantities and the total of the refund will be adjusted accordingly.  If you need to adjust the refund amount to account for a cancellation fee, you can do so by editing the total amount in the field just above the Refund order button.  


After you click the Refund order button, you will be directed back to the order detail page and you will see that the payment status of the order has been updated to either Refunded or Partially refunded.  If you only partially refunded the order, the remaining items on the order will still be available for fulfillment.


The customer will usually see the refund reflected on their credit card account within one or two business days.  The refund will be included in the merchant's daily credit card batch and their deposit on the next business day will be net of any refunds.

In the next article, you will learn about fulfilling orders.


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